Atari Mega Archive 1
Atari Mega Archive - Volume 1.iso
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Text File
71 lines
% Caps and Small Caps in Computer Modern Roman
font_coding_scheme:=if ligs=0: "TeX typewriter text"
else: "TeX text without f-ligatures" fi;
spanish_shriek=oct"016"; spanish_query=oct"017";
mode_setup; font_setup;
input romanu; % upper case (majuscules)
input greeku; % upper case greek letters
input romand; % numerals
input romanp; % ampersand, question marks, currency sign
input romspu; % uppercase specials (\AE, \OE, \O)
input punct; % punctuation symbols common to all roman and italic
input accent; % accents common to roman and italic text
input romsub; % substitutes for ligatures
if ligs>0: input comlig; fi % ligatures common with italic
ligtable "!": "`" =: spanish_shriek;
ligtable "?": "`" =: spanish_query;
font_slant slant; font_x_height x_height#;
if monospace: font_normal_space 9u#; % no stretching or shrinking
font_quad 18u#;
font_extra_space 9u#;
else: font_normal_space 6u#+2letter_fit#;
font_normal_stretch 3u#; font_normal_shrink 2u#;
font_quad 18u#+4letter_fit#;
font_extra_space 2u#;
k#:=-.5u#; kk#:=-1.5u#; kkk#:=-2u#; % three degrees of kerning
ligtable "P": "T": "Y": "a" kern kk#, "A" kern kk#;
ligtable "F": "V": "W": if serifs: "a" kern kkk#, "A" kern kkk#,
else: "a" kern kk#, "A" kern kk#, fi
"K": "X": "o" kern k#, "O" kern k#, "c" kern k#, "C" kern k#,
"g" kern k#, "G" kern k#, "q" kern k#, "Q" kern k#;
ligtable "O": "D": "x" kern k#, "X" kern k#, "w" kern k#, "W" kern k#,
"a" kern k#, "A" kern k#, "v" kern k#, "V" kern k#, "y" kern k#, "Y" kern k#;
ligtable "A": if serifs: "R": fi "c" kern k#, "C" kern k#,
"o" kern k#, "O" kern k#, "g" kern k#, "G" kern k#,
"u" kern k#, "U" kern k#, "q" kern k#, "Q" kern k#,
"L": "T" kern kk#, "t" kern kk#, "Y" kern kk#, "y" kern kk#,
"V" kern kkk#, "v" kern kkk#, "W" kern kkk#, "w" kern kkk#;
ligtable "I": "I" kern -k#; fi % Richard III
% ligature programs for |"-"|, |"`"|, and |"'"| are in the {\tt comlig} file
%%% fine lower
forsuffixes $= u, width_adj, cap_serif_fit, letter_fit,
body_height, cap_height, x_height, bar_height, comma_depth,
flare, cap_hair, stem, cap_stem, cap_curve, cap_ess,
cap_jut, beak_jut, beak, slab, cap_bar, cap_band, cap_notch_cut,
o, apex_o: $.#:=lower.$.#; endfor
font_setup; % now try again with |lower| settings
code_offset:=ASCII"a" - ASCII"A";
input romanu; % majuscules (in lowercase positions)
input romspu; % \AE, \OE, \O\ (in positions of \ae, \oe, \o)
input cscspu; % substitutes for the remaining characters of romspl
if not monospace:
k#:=-.5u#; kk#:=-1.5u#; kkk#:=-2u#; % three degrees of kerning
ligtable "p": "t": "y": "a" kern kk#;
ligtable "f": "v": "w": "a" kern if serifs: kkk# else: kk#\\fi,
"k": "x": "o" kern k#, "c" kern k#, "g" kern k#, "q" kern k#;
ligtable "o": "d": "x" kern k#, "w" kern k#, "a" kern k#,
"v" kern k#, "y" kern k#;
ligtable "a": if serifs: "r": fi "c" kern k#, "o" kern k#,
"g" kern k#, "u" kern k#, "q" kern k#,
"l": "'" kern kk#, "t" kern kk#, "y" kern kk#, "v" kern kkk#, "w" kern kkk#;
ligtable "i": "i" kern -k#; fi % skiing